Get Funding Process

Application Information Completed

Begin Application Review

Application Denied - End

Start Crowd Funding

Loan Fully Paid

Fund Raise Met (Min or Max)

Funding Returned to Investors

4% Loan Fee Collected

Investor Make a Withdraw

Loan Default

Liquidate assets for investor re -payment

End Fund Raise Not Met

Start: Apply

Application Approved


SEC Filing & Funding Agreement Approved

Create Investor Facing Pitch Page

Bond Prospective Created

Bond Prospective Summary Created

Uploaded Docs. to Customer Portal

Uploaded Doc. to Customer Portal

Uploaded Doc. to Customer Portal

Payments made to Investors

Payments made to Investors

Funds Returned to Investors

Send 1099's

Dormant $$ Accounts

2 Factor Authentication is required when an account is created and at each login. Account can be authenticated using email or text.

Investing Process

Application Complete


Investment Pending Close

End - All Funds are Withdrawn Account Closed

Funds are not Withdrawn Account is Dormant

All Payments are Received

Start: Apply

End - 1. Investment Limit not met

Receives some Payments

End - 2. ID Verification Failure

Investment in Parking Lot

Withdrawal Funds

Investments Again

An Investment Limit is Set


SCE Filing

Gather Information Needed for Filing

File the Documentation

Monitor the Filing Status

Filing Approved

Filing Denied END
